Scripting Finder Window - Coverflow View

Hi there

I have done the following script to open a particular folder in Coverflow view and fill the screen:

set PaperWorkFolder to "/Users/macmini/Folder/My Paperwork"
set pathtoFolder to ":Users:macmini:Folder:My Paperwork" as alias
tell application "Finder"
	open pathtoFolder
	set Finder window PaperWorkFolder's position to {0, 44}
	set {d1, d2, d3, d4} to (desktop's window's bounds)
	set bounds of Finder window PaperWorkFolder to {0, 44, d3, d4}
	set current view of Finder window PaperWorkFolder to flow view
	set sidebar width of Finder window PaperWorkFolder to 0
	set statusbar visible of Finder window PaperWorkFolder to false
end tell

However, I want to applescript set the size of the Preview pane window as against the pane at the bottom which lists the file names. Is this possible?

Ideally, I would also like it to auto set up to receive a search term to search by file name in the opened folder. When the folder opens using the above script, it displays the search box but that searches all over the computer, If you hit CMD “F”, it readies for a search by contents all over the computer. So to get where I want, there are a number of clicks before I can start searching (Cmd “f”, then click on “File Name” and on “My Paperwork” in the top of the window)


… forgot to add that I am also seeking to set which columns are viewable in the bottom pane, and their width…
