scripting for quark 4.1 thro OSX

Hi all,


Could anyone help me in getting solution from the below script where I am trying to load figures and captions automatically in to the quark 4.1 document, whereas

  1. Figures are placing but picture boxes(vertically) bigger than the figures.
  2. text boxes are placing with out captions instead placing file name or file path.

property TypeList : {"BMP ", “EPSF”, “GIFf”, “JPEG”, "PDF ", “PICT”, “PNGf”, “TIFF”} – File types of your graphic files
property LabelHeight : 16 – Height of the Label Box (in points)
property HorSpace : 6 – Gutter between column (in points)
property VerSpace : 12 – Gutter between rows (in points)

property BoxWidth : 0 – will be defined at run time
property BoxHeight : 0 – will be defined at run time
property SourceFolder : “” – will be defined at run time
property Xor : 0 – will be defined at run time
property Yor : 0 – will be defined at run time
property LabelSpace : 0 – will be defined at run time
property MarginTop : 0 – will be defined at run time
property MarginBottom : 0 – will be defined at run time
property MarginLeft : 0 – will be defined at run time
property MarginRight : 0 – will be defined at run time
property DocName : “” – will be defined at run time

tell application “QuarkXPress”
set QFolder to “Please locate the folder containing the images you wish to process”
set VContinue to false
set SetupTemp to false
set DocName to name of document 1
set QOverwrite to “Do you really wish to overwrite the current document?”
set DOverwrite to display dialog QOverwrite buttons {“No “ Use the template”, “Yes”} default button 1 with icon note
if button returned of DOverwrite is “Yes” then
set SourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt QFolder) as text
set VContinue to true
tell document DocName
make new page at beginning
make new page at beginning
delete (pages 2 thru -1)
end try
end tell
set SetupTemp to true
end if
on error
set SetupTemp to true
end try
end tell

if SetupTemp is true then
set TempFolder to (path to me) as text
tell application “QuarkXPress”
set TemplateFile to (my FindReplace(“Contact Sheet_Maker”, “Contact Sheet_Template”, TempFolder)) as alias
set SourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt QFolder) as text
open TemplateFile
set DocName to name of document 1
tell master document DocName
set contents of story 1 of text box “txt_Header” to my GetTExtItem(SourceFolder, “:”, -2)
end try
end tell
set VContinue to true
end tell
end if

if VContinue then
set ItemList to list folder SourceFolder without invisibles
set FileList to {}
repeat with ThisItem in ItemList
set TheInfo to info for (file (SourceFolder & ThisItem))
if folder of TheInfo is false then
if file type of TheInfo is in TypeList then
set end of FileList to (ThisItem as text)
end if
end if
end repeat

tell application "QuarkXPress"
    set QRows to "You have selected " & FileList's length & " images" & return & return & "How many rows would you like me to produce?"
    set doLoop to true
    repeat while doLoop is true
        set DRows to display dialog QRows default answer "0" with icon note
            set NumRows to (text returned of DRows) as integer
            if NumRows > 0 then
                set doLoop to false
                display dialog "Number must be greater than 0!" with icon caution
            end if
        on error
            display dialog "Numbers only please!" with icon caution
        end try
    end repeat
    set QColumns to "You have selected " & FileList's length & " images" & return & return & "How many columns would you like me to produce?"
    set doLoop to true
    repeat while doLoop is true
        set DColumns to display dialog QColumns default answer "0" with icon note
            set NumCols to (text returned of DColumns) as integer
            if NumCols > 0 then
                set doLoop to false
                display dialog "Number must be greater than 0!" with icon caution
            end if
        on error
            display dialog "Numbers only please!" with icon caution
        end try
    end repeat
    set QLabels to "What kind of labels wold you like?"
    set DLabels to display dialog QLabels buttons {"None", "File path", "File name"} default button 3 with icon note
    set LabelType to button returned of DLabels
    if LabelType is not "None" then
        set LabelSpace to LabelHeight
        if not (exists character spec "Label" of document DocName) and not (exists style spec "Label" of document DocName) then
            set CharStyle to make new character spec at document DocName's end with properties {name:"Label"}
            set ParaStyle to make new style spec at document DocName's end with properties {name:"Label"}
            set character style of ParaStyle to CharStyle
        end if
        set LabelSpace to 0
    end if
    tell document DocName
        set OldHor to horizontal measure
        set OldVer to vertical measure
        set horizontal measure to points
        set vertical measure to points
        set PageWidth to page width as real
        set PageHeight to page height as real
        my Set_MarginValue(count of pages)
        set DisplayWidth to PageWidth - MarginLeft - MarginRight
        set DisplayHeight to PageHeight - MarginTop - MarginBottom
        set BoxWidth to (DisplayWidth - (HorSpace * (NumCols - 1))) / NumCols
        set BoxHeight to ((DisplayHeight - (VerSpace * (NumRows - 1))) / NumRows) - LabelSpace
    end tell
    set i to 1
    repeat while i ≤ FileList's length
        repeat with j from 1 to NumRows
            repeat with K from 1 to NumCols
                    my Make_PicBox(K, j, (item i of FileList) as text)
                    if LabelType is "File name" then
                        my Make_LabelBox(K, j, (item i of FileList) as text)
                    else if LabelType is "File path" then
                        my Make_LabelBox(K, j, SourceFolder & (item i of FileList) as text)
                    end if
                on error
                    exit repeat
                end try
                set i to i + 1
            end repeat
        end repeat
        if i < FileList's length then
            tell document DocName
                make new page at end
                set current page to page (count of pages)
                my Set_MarginValue(count of pages)
            end tell
        end if
    end repeat
    tell document DocName
        set horizontal measure to OldHor
        set vertical measure to OldVer
    end tell
    if SetupTemp is true then
        set PageCount to count of pages of document DocName
        tell master document DocName
                set contents of story 1 of text box "txt_TotalPages" to PageCount
            end try
        end tell
    end if
end tell

end if
beep 3

on Set_MarginValue(ThisPage)
tell application “QuarkXPress”
tell document DocName
set FacingPages to facing pages

        tell page ThisPage
            if (page number) mod 2 > 0 then -- Odd page 
                set Page_Parity to "Odd"
            else -- Even page 
                set Page_Parity to "Even"
            end if
        end tell
        if FacingPages and Page_Parity is "Odd" then
            set MarginTop to top margin as real
            set MarginBottom to bottom margin as real
            set MarginLeft to inside margin as real
            set MarginRight to outside margin as real
        else if FacingPages and Page_Parity is "Even" then
            set MarginTop to top margin as real
            set MarginBottom to bottom margin as real
            set MarginLeft to outside margin as real
            set MarginRight to inside margin as real
            set MarginTop to top margin as real
            set MarginBottom to bottom margin as real
            set MarginLeft to left margin as real
            set MarginRight to right margin as real
        end if
        set Xor to MarginLeft
        set Yor to MarginTop
    end tell
end tell

end Set_MarginValue

on Make_PicBox(RowRun, ColRun, ThisPicture)
tell application “QuarkXPress”
tell document DocName
tell current page
set Y to ((ColRun - 1) * (BoxHeight + VerSpace + LabelSpace)) + Yor
set X to ((RowRun - 1) * (BoxWidth + HorSpace)) + Xor
set NewBox to make new picture box at beginning with properties {bounds:{Y, X, Y + BoxHeight, X + BoxWidth}}
tell picture box 1
set image 1 to file ((SourceFolder & ThisPicture) as text)
set bounds of image 1 to centered
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end Make_PicBox

on Make_LabelBox(RowRun, ColRun, ThisLabel)
tell application “QuarkXPress”
set ParaStyle to object reference of style spec “Label” of document DocName
tell document DocName
tell current page
set Y to ((ColRun - 1) * (BoxHeight + VerSpace + LabelSpace)) + Yor
set X to ((RowRun - 1) * (BoxWidth + HorSpace)) + Xor
set NewBox to make new text box at beginning with properties {bounds:{Y + BoxHeight, X, Y + BoxHeight + LabelHeight, X + BoxWidth}}
tell NewBox
set contents of story 1 to ThisLabel
set style sheet of paragraph 1 of story 1 to ParaStyle
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end Make_LabelBox

on DoMenu(This_Menu, First_Level, Second_Level)
tell application “QuarkXPress”
if Second_Level is “” then
select menu item First_Level of menu This_Menu
select menu item Second_Level of menu item First_Level of menu This_Menu
end if
on error errMsg number errNum
display dialog (“An error " & errNum & " has occured” & return & return & errMsg) with icon stop
end try
end tell
end DoMenu

on GetTExtItem(ThisString, ThisDelim, ThisItem)
– ThisString → String to look in
– ThisDelim → Text element that delimit the string
– ThisItem → Number of the element to return
copy the text item delimiters to OldDelims
set the text item delimiters to ThisDelim
set arrItem to every text item of ThisString
set the text item delimiters to OldDelims
if ThisItem ≤ 0 then
return (item ThisItem of arrItem) as text
return arrItem – return every items
end if
end GetTExtItem

on FindReplace(FindWhat, ReplaceBy, ThisString)
copy the text item delimiters to OldDelims
set the text item delimiters to {FindWhat}
set TempList to every text item of ThisString
set the text item delimiters to {ReplaceBy}
set NewString to TempList as text
set the text item delimiters to OldDelims
return NewString
end FindReplace

anyones help would be greatly appreciated

thanks in advance
