Scripting Garagaband

I’m working on an AppleScript to control the multi-media presentation for my church’s services. There are a number of Powerpoint presentations that need to be displayed, and I’ve got that covered.

One of the things that I want this script to do is start GarageBand and have it start to record the audio for the service. We’ve been doing it this way manually for most of the year and I would really like the recording automated so it doesn’t get forgotten. Only problem is I can’t seem to find any information anywhere on how to make this happen.

GarageBand is set up to use a voice instrument. It uses the built-in audio input on the MacBook to receive the audio from our soundboard, a 14 channel mixer. I usually start recording at the beginning of service & stop it at the end. There are other things that need to happen with the sound after that, but one bridge at a time.

Can anyone give me any pointers or links to help?



Well, it turns out that GarageBand doesn’t have much in the way of scripting support. I’m resorting to using System Events key code calls. Luckily, to start recording, all you have to do is press the R key. I think to stop it, you use the space bar (I have to check that).

Thanks any ways folks.
