Scripting inDesign print dialogs


I’m a new member with many years experience in pre-press. I currently use QuicKeys, Automator and some simple Applescript.

Mac OS 10.5.8
Adobe Suite CS3

Objective: To print an open inDesign document without having to open the print dialogs, getting information from a Numbers spreadsheet and then entering new, updated information in that spreadsheet.

I have Automator apps that open 2 files which are:

  • any one of several inDesign layout documents and
  • a matching Numbers file for each which provides the starting page number and records the range of pages that have been printed to date.

I want to be able to fetch information from two fields in the Numbers file and enter that information in the inDesign ‘From’ and ‘To’ fields for the range of pages to be printed. I want to be able to do this without opening the print dialogs.

Right now I’m successfully using QuicKeys to accomplish this and it’s working beautifully. The only problem is that it takes time for QK to work through the print dialogues. I want to be able to speed this up.


Hi John,
I have no idea about QK, but yes one thing I can tell you that you can script “Print Window” of InDesign using “System Events” and it usually faster than than what users are doing.

It allows you all window controls like toolbare, menubar, click, etc.

You can get plenty of samples available on the google.


Excellent. Thanks Poo_Del. I’m going to have to learn Applescript.


Good! :slight_smile:
You are welcome to ask any question or doubts to me. And please let me know if I can help you out.


You don’t have to use system events or any GUI scripting to achieve what you want by the looks of the indesign dictionary, Printing looks totally scriptable, including page ranges etc.

Search on this forum over google in my opinion, somebody has bound to have done something similar or at least give you some ideas.

Hi Pidge,
You are right but I think Event System is understandable by any newbie.
