I have an Iomega Zip250 USB connected through an old (prob’ly first-to-market) Belkin 4port hub and I would like to write a script for KeyXing that enables ejection of any mounted Zips via a hotkey combination.
I am a longtime Mac user and oftime AppleScripter. I am a big fan of KeyQuencer, mainly because on older (read: SCSI-native) Macs this kind of thing was relatively easy. In fact, ejecting disks via a hotkey is what drew me to KeyQuencer rather than QuicKeys, and now I see KeyXing has the potential – but no “internal” command syntax – for ejecting disks, etc.
Any help you folks could offer would be much appreciated. Even a short test-able script to use outside KX first may be in order.
Thanks in advance
Steve W.