Scripting multiple Filemaker Pro records

First time posting on this forum + script noobie,
Need Help.
Purpose of this script is to create Filemaker Pro records (with info fields) for each file selected (from a file server) and then send the files to Toast for BD back up.

Average file count is between 5 and 25, but could be higher.

At the current state the script will grow exponentially with every additional file selected. There must be an easier, more organized way to do this.(is there???)
Any help or suggestion on any part of the script would be amazing

set files_to_add to choose file with multiple selections allowed
set DiskID to "001"
set selCount to count files_to_add
if selCount is 1 then
    set fileA to item 1 of files_to_add
end if
if selCount is 2 then
    set {fileA, fileB} to {item 1 of files_to_add, item 2 of files_to_add}
end if
if selCount is 3 then
    set {fileA, fileB, fileC} to {item 1 of files_to_add, item 2 of files_to_add, item 3 of files_to_add}
end if
tell application "Finder"
    (*FILL IN MAXIMUM FILESIZE  (in mb) HERE -51200MB = 50GB*)
    set maximumfilesize to 51200
    get size of (item 1 of files_to_add) (*CAN'T GET THIS TO WORK RIGHT*)
    set fileSize to result / 1000000
    if fileSize is greater than maximumfilesize then
        display dialog "Files are larger than 50 GB, Please select less Files" with icon caution buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 1
    end if
    tell file fileA
        set fileName to name
        set creationDate to creation date as text
        set modificationDate to modification date as text
        set fileType to kind of fileA
        set fileSize to size
    end tell
end tell
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
    open "Mac HD:Users:Username:Desktop:ServerBU.fp7" for Accounts "Admin" with passwords ""
    set theRecord to create new record at table "Files"
    tell theRecord
        set cell "File Name" to fileName
        set cell "File Type" to fileType
        set cell "File Size" to fileSize
        set cell "File Path" to POSIX path of fileA
        set cell "Disk ID" to DiskID
        set cell "Show Name" to ""
        set cell "Date Created" to creationDate
        set cell "Date Modified" to modificationDate
    end tell
end tell
if selCount is 2 then
    tell application "Finder"
        tell file fileB
            set fileName to name
            set creationDate to creation date as text
            set modificationDate to modification date as text
            set fileType to kind of fileB
            set fileSize to size
        end tell
    end tell
    tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
        set theRecord to create new record at table "Files"
        tell theRecord
            set cell "File Name" to fileName
            set cell "File Type" to fileType
            set cell "File Size" to fileSize
            set cell "File Path" to POSIX path of fileB
            set cell "Disk ID" to DiskID
            set cell "Show Name" to ""
            set cell "Date Created" to creationDate
            set cell "Date Modified" to modificationDate
        end tell
    end tell
end if
if selCount is 3 then
    tell application "Finder"
        tell file fileB
            set fileName to name
            set creationDate to creation date as text
            set modificationDate to modification date as text
            set fileType to kind of fileB
            set fileSize to size
        end tell
    end tell
    tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
        set theRecord to create new record at table "Files"
        tell theRecord
            set cell "File Name" to fileName
            set cell "File Type" to fileType
            set cell "File Size" to fileSize
            set cell "File Path" to POSIX path of fileB
            set cell "Disk ID" to DiskID
            set cell "Show Name" to ""
            set cell "Date Created" to creationDate
            set cell "Date Modified" to modificationDate
        end tell
    end tell
    tell application "Finder"
        --SET INFO FOR FILE -C
        tell file fileC
            set fileName to name
            set creationDate to creation date as text
            set modificationDate to modification date as text
            set fileType to kind of fileC
            set fileSize to size
        end tell
    end tell
    tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
        set theRecord to create new record at table "Files"
        tell theRecord
            set cell "File Name" to fileName
            set cell "File Type" to fileType
            set cell "File Size" to fileSize
            set cell "File Path" to POSIX path of fileC
            set cell "Disk ID" to DiskID
            set cell "Show Name" to ""
            set cell "Date Created" to creationDate
            set cell "Date Modified" to modificationDate
        end tell
    end tell
end if

tell application "Toast Titanium"
    set myDisc to make Data disc
    set name of myDisc to "Disk " & DiskID
    set toast_project to current disc
    set file system type of myDisc to Mac OS Standard Hybrid
    add to toast_project items files_to_add
    set Asking to no
    --write myDisc
end tell

Figured it out using repeat command

set files_to_add to choose file with multiple selections allowed
display dialog "Disk Name?" default answer ""
set DiskID to text returned of result
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
    open "Mac HD:Users:UserName:Desktop:ServerBU.fp7" for Accounts "Admin" with passwords ""
end tell
repeat with fileA in files_to_add
    tell application "Finder"
        tell file fileA
            set fileName to name
            set creationDate to creation date as text
            set modificationDate to modification date as text
            set fileType to kind of fileA
            set fileSize to size
        end tell
    end tell
    tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
        set theRecord to create new record at table "Files"
        tell theRecord
            set cell "File Name" to fileName
            set cell "File Type" to fileType
            set cell "File Size" to fileSize
            set cell "File Path" to POSIX path of fileA
            set cell "Disk ID" to DiskID
            set cell "Show Name" to ""
            set cell "Date Created" to creationDate
            set cell "Date Modified" to modificationDate
        end tell
    end tell
end repeat

tell application "Toast Titanium"
    set myDisc to make Data disc
    set name of myDisc to "Disk " & DiskID
    set toast_project to current disc
    set file system type of myDisc to Mac OS Standard Hybrid
    add to toast_project items files_to_add
    set Asking to no
    --write myDisc
end tell