scripting toast titanium

hi, i’m an applescript newbie i’ve tryed to find out documentation about this problem but i cant resolve it…

i’ve to make a script to make an iso from a dvd video in che disk reader. first i’ve tryed with dd with no clues, with cat /dev/rdisk1 i’ve done it, but before i’ve to read the disk with vlc or so on (probably for problems with dvd decription).

now i’m trying to rip the image with toast 6 titanium which does is quite well.

tell application "Toast 6 Titanium"
	tell Copy disc 1
	end tell
	save as disc image title
end tell

but there tarts the problems:
-how can i make an alias of a new file that doesn’t exist already?
-save as disc image gives me an internal error in the application in which form i’ve to pass the string?

i hope someone can help me:)

sorry for my english:)

tnx, xian