search and replace text with formating

Hey Guys trying to search a xml file for a line containing this K=“Color_tag_index” V=“0”/ and replace it with this K=“Color_tag_index” V=“1”/

tried adapting Bruce’s snippet to no luck

set thesearchList to ("K="Color_tag_index" V="0"/")

set theReplaceList to (K="Color_tag_index" V="1"/)

set theCos to (" /Users/rapdigital/Pictures/Untitled/Capture/519300101/CaptureOne/Settings50/519300101_001.IIQ.cos")

tell application "TextEdit"
	set theDoc to open theCos
	-- get text contents
	set theText to text of theDoc
	tell me to set newText to str_ireplace(thesearchList, theReplaceList, theText)
	-- or: set newText to my str_ireplace(theSearchList, theReplaceList, theText)
	-- replace text
		set text of theDoc to newText
	on error eMsg number eNum
		display dialog "Error setting text (" & eNum & ")" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
	end try
	-- close and save file
		--save theDoc in theCos
		close theDoc saving yes saving in theCos
	on error eMsg number eNum
		display dialog "Error saving (" & eNum & ")" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
	end try
	-- reopen
	open theCos
end tell

--end repeat

--end run

clone of PHP's str_ireplace function
original posted by Bruce Philips
note: the above mentioned version doesn't consider case, that's the only
modification by SwissalpS. The original would be str_replace.scpt
on str_ireplace(search, replace, subject)
	considering case
		local search, replace, subject, ASTID, returnList, searchCount, thisSubject, i, n
		set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		set returnList to true
		-- This wouldn't make sense
		if search's class is not list and replace's class is list then return subject
		-- Make one-item lists if needed    
		if search's class is not list then set search to {search}
		if subject's class is not list then set {subject, returnList} to {{subject}, false}
		set searchCount to count search
		get count subject
			repeat with i from 1 to result
				set thisSubject to subject's item i
				repeat with n from 1 to searchCount
					set AppleScript's text item delimiters to search's item n
					set thisSubject to thisSubject's text items
					if replace's class is list then
							get replace's item n
						on error
							get "" -- `replace` ran out of items
						end try
						get replace
					end if
					set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {result}
					set thisSubject to "" & thisSubject
				end repeat
				set subject's item i to thisSubject
			end repeat
		end try
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
		if not returnList then set subject to subject's first item
		return subject
	end considering
end str_ireplace

Thanks in advance

Searching and replacing text is simple in applescript. You do not need TextEdit or any other program to do it. You just use applescript’s text item delimiters. Heres an example of how to find/replace text.

Suppose you wanted to replace the word “that” with “which” in the following…

set theText to "Some text that you want to modify."

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "that"
set theItems to text items of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "which"
set newText to theItems as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""

return newText
--> result: "Some text which you want to modify."

So in your case you would just get the initial text by reading the xml file into applescript. Then you make your changes and then write the changes back out to the xml file.

What about the formatting of the text?

with this code I can change ALL 0’s to 1’s

set thesearchList to "0"

set theReplaceList to "1"

set theCos to (" /Users/rapdigital/Pictures/Untitled/Capture/519300101/CaptureOne/Settings50/519300101_001.IIQ.cos")

tell application "TextEdit"
   set theDoc to open theCos
   -- get text contents
   set theText to text of theDoc
   tell me to set newText to str_ireplace(thesearchList, theReplaceList, theText)
   -- or: set newText to my str_ireplace(theSearchList, theReplaceList, theText)
   -- replace text
       set text of theDoc to newText
   on error eMsg number eNum
       display dialog "Error setting text (" & eNum & ")" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
   end try
   -- close and save file
       --save theDoc in theCos
       close theDoc saving yes saving in theCos
   on error eMsg number eNum
       display dialog "Error saving (" & eNum & ")" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
   end try
   -- reopen
   open theCos
end tell

--end repeat

--end run

clone of PHP's str_ireplace function
original posted by Bruce Philips
note: the above mentioned version doesn't consider case, that's the only
modification by SwissalpS. The original would be str_replace.scpt
on str_ireplace(search, replace, subject)
   considering case
       local search, replace, subject, ASTID, returnList, searchCount, thisSubject, i, n
       set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
       set returnList to true
       -- This wouldn't make sense
       if search's class is not list and replace's class is list then return subject
       -- Make one-item lists if needed
       if search's class is not list then set search to {search}
       if subject's class is not list then set {subject, returnList} to {{subject}, false}
       set searchCount to count search
       get count subject
           repeat with i from 1 to result
               set thisSubject to subject's item i
               repeat with n from 1 to searchCount
                   set AppleScript's text item delimiters to search's item n
                   set thisSubject to thisSubject's text items
                   if replace's class is list then
                           get replace's item n
                       on error
                           get "" -- `replace` ran out of items
                       end try
                       get replace
                   end if
                   set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {result}
                   set thisSubject to "" & thisSubject
               end repeat
               set subject's item i to thisSubject
           end repeat
       end try
       set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
       if not returnList then set subject to subject's first item
       return subject
   end considering
end str_ireplace

but I need to change only one 0 to 1 one this line
That isn’t always line x in the the doc.

As long as your search text is unique so that if finds the correct one to replace, it doesn’t matter where in the text it is located. Give this a try.

set searchWord to "K=\"Color_tag_index\" V=\"0\""
set replaceWord to "K=\"Color_tag_index\" V=\"1\""
set theCos to "/Users/rapdigital/Pictures/Untitled/Capture/519300101/CaptureOne/Settings50/519300101_001.IIQ.cos"
set posixFileCos to POSIX file theCos

set theText to read posixFileCos
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to searchWord
set theItems to text items of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replaceWord
set newText to theItems as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""

set openFile to open for access posixFileCos with write permission
set eof of openFile to 0
write newText to openFile starting at eof as string
close access the openFile

Thanks Hank

Not the first time those leading slashes \ have been my down fall!!

Thanks Heaps I love this site.

Glad to help! :smiley:

What if the search finds nothing? How would I add a if statement?