Select QuickTime app depending on OS version?

Is there a way to select the QuickTime Player application based on the OS version?

I’m writing a script to set the timing of slides that go along with a recorded lecture. I’m using QuickTIme Player to open a movie of the lecture and jpeg images of the slides. Since the latest version of QuickTIme Player in OS X 10.6 is not scriptable, I need to call the older version, but in 10.5 I just want to call the standard version.

I thought that this would work:

if (system version of (system info)) < "10.6" then
	set QuickTimeApp to "QuickTime Player"
	set QuickTimeApp to "QuickTime Player 7"
end if

	tell application QuickTimeApp
		open item 1 of slideImageFiles as alias
		set controller type of document slideTitle to none
	end tell
end try

but I get a syntax error “A identifier can’t go after this identifier.” on the set controller… command when trying to compile on a Mac running 10.5.8.

By the way, this does work:

if (system version of (system info)) < "10.6" then
	set QuickTimeApp to "QuickTime Player"
	set QuickTimeApp to "QuickTime Player 7"
end if

	tell application "QuickTime Player"
		open item 1 of slideImageFiles as alias
		set controller type of document slideTitle to none
	end tell
end try

Thanks for any suggestions,

Model: MacBook Pro
AppleScript: 2.0.1
Browser: Safari 531.22.7
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)

Are you getting the error at compile time, or at run time?
If it’s at compile time, you could save your original script to a plain text file, request its contents via an other AppleScript and run the contents:

property scriptTXT : "Macintosh HD:Users:username:desktop:file.txt"

set myScript to (read alias scriptTXT) as text
run script myScript

Hope it helps,

The error occurs, because AppleScript cannot resolve terminology specified in a variable.
It’s required either to write tell application “literal string” or
to use the using terms from application “literal string” block

	using terms from application "QuickTime Player"
		tell application QuickTimeApp
			open item 1 of slideImageFiles as alias
			set controller type of document slideTitle to none
		end tell
	end using terms from
end try

I recommend to write separate code for 10.5 and 10.6