I have a list of options to work with, but not every user needs every option. I want the user to be able to select how ever many from the list and then have those selected appear as display dialogs. Doable?
For this one, I honestly haven’t a clue what the next step is.
Big Thank You in advance!
set userList to choose from list {"Album", "Playlist Title", "Title Version", "Index Alias", "Artist", "UPC", "Playlist Type"} with prompt "Select Your Changes:" with multiple selections allowed
set userList to choose from list {"Album", "Playlist Title", "Title Version", "Index Alias", "Artist", "UPC", "Playlist Type"} with prompt "Select Your Changes:" & return & "Hold the command key to make more than one selection" with multiple selections allowed
-- if all you want is for this to appear as text in a dialog:
if userList is not false then
set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ", "
set ULtext to userList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
display dialog "You have selected: " & ULtext
display dialog "You canceled"
end if