Selecting Radio Button in Matrix

Hey guys,

I’m having trouble checking which button out of two radios in a cell matrix are checked.

In the code below, the log prints out:

2008-09-29 11:49:47.440 Imaging Automator[4087:10b] "Not working." 2008-09-29 11:49:47.442 Imaging Automator[4087:10b] "connectedDrive on state"
which means that since it’s else, it’s not working correctly, but yet it still logs the name of the cell and it’s state correctly!

What’s going on?

if state of button "timeMachine" of tab view item "optionsTab" of tab view "tabView" of window "mainWindow" is 1 then
            set connectedDrive to (state of cell "connectedDrive" of matrix "timemachineSource" of tab view item "optionsTab" of tab view of window "mainWindow")
            set timeCapsule to (state of cell "timeCapsule" of matrix "timemachineSource" of tab view item "optionsTab" of tab view of window "mainWindow")
            if connectedDrive is on state then
                log name of current cell of matrix "timemachineSource" of tab view item "optionsTab" of tab view of window "mainWindow"
            else if timeCapsule is on state then
                log name of current cell of matrix "timemachineSource" of tab view item "optionsTab" of tab view of window "mainWindow"
                log "Not working."
                log (name of current cell of matrix "timemachineSource" of tab view item "optionsTab" of tab view of window "mainWindow" as string) & " " & (state of current cell of matrix "timemachineSource" of tab view item "optionsTab" of tab view of window "mainWindow" as string)
            end if
        end if


it’s better to check current row (vertical) or current column (horizontal)
the result is the integer index number of the selected item

I love you.

Okay, I keep running into walls today, I guess my head is not all here right now.

I have two buttons, one checks to see if a file exists, and if it does loads it (saves it’s directory as a variable), the other shows an open panel, then saves the directory as a variable. The problem I have, is trying to figure out a way of indicating to the user that the file has been loaded. I tried hiding the loading buttons and showing a document icon with some text, but it doesn’t look very Apple, plus I can’t figure out how to load an image based on a POSIX path to that image.

Anyway, I’m wondering what you think would be a good way of showing this info.


What’s about using a circular progress indicator?