send a draft Mail message

I have 3 messages saved as a draft messages in Mail and I want to write a script to send one of them. I get this error “NSReceiversCantHandleCommandScriptError” on the line “send message_to_send”

Anybody know why?

tell application "Mail"
	tell drafts mailbox
		set myDrafts to every message
		set message_to_send to item 1 of myDrafts
		send message_to_send
	end tell
end tell

Thank you Santa! Without knowing it you gave me the clue in your 3rd post here: So in case anyone in the future needs this, here it is. It uses keystrokes instead of Mail’s send command, but at least it works. If anyone knows how to get the send command to work let me know.

-- this script will search your drafts mailbox for messages and present you with a dialog to choose which one you want to send. Your choices will be listed as the subjects of the draft messages. When you select one it will be sent.

	-- get info for draft messages
	tell application "Mail"
		set {theSubjects, messageIDs} to {{}, {}}
		repeat with aMessage in messages of drafts mailbox
			set end of theSubjects to subject of aMessage
			set end of messageIDs to message id of aMessage
		end repeat
	end tell
	-- choose the draft message you want to send
	choose from list theSubjects with title "Choose From The List" with prompt ¬
		"Pick a draft email to send:" default items "maybe" OK button name "Send"
	set theSelection to the result as string
	if theSelection is not "false" then -- error check for cancel button
		repeat with i from 1 to length of theSubjects
			if (item i of theSubjects) is theSelection then
				set theoffset to i
				exit repeat
			end if
		end repeat
		set messageID to item theoffset of messageIDs
		-- send the chosen email
		tell application "Mail"
			set the_messages to (every message of drafts mailbox)
			set mess_viewer to first message viewer
			set selected mailboxes of mess_viewer to {drafts mailbox}
			repeat with this_mess in the_messages
				if (message id of this_mess) is equal to messageID then
					set selected messages of mess_viewer to (this_mess as list)
					tell application "System Events" to tell process "Mail"
						delay 0.2
						keystroke "d" using command down & shift down
						delay 0.2
						keystroke "d" using command down & shift down
					end tell
					exit repeat
				end if
			end repeat
		end tell
	end if
on error TheError
	tell me to activate
	display alert "An error has occurred:" message TheError as warning giving up after 20
end try