I would like to write a script that would allow me to send my computer commands via twitter from my phone, I would have an account and my computer would have its own account with which to be controlled. I would like to be able to do things like send a tweet “shutdown” and have my computer shutdown, or send some other command to run an applescript. How would I do this, I am fairly new to applescript and don’t have much experience.
any help would be greatly appreciated,
You can try something along these lines:
In a separate script, use this to find the id of the account of the latest tweet (your target account) :
tell application "Twitter" to return author's user id of (item 1 of (status of (home timeline of account 1)))
Then populate the userId variable and remember to save it as a stay open application.
I’m tired so this still may be a bit buggy…
on idle
set myIdle to 30 -- the delay in seconds before the script checks twitter for commands
set myTriggers to {"beep", "say hello"}
set userId to "816653" -- target account's user id
-- You can get the user id of the most recent tweet like this:
--tell application "Twitter" to return author's user id of (item 1 of (status of (home timeline of account 1)))
tell application "Twitter"
set tCount to count of (status of (home timeline of account 1))
repeat with i from 1 to tCount
set scriptDate to current date
set {tDate, tAuthor, tText} to {date, author's user id, text} of (item i of (status of (home timeline of account 1)))
set freshCheck to (scriptDate - tDate) -- How old is tweet in seconds
if freshCheck < myIdle then
if tAuthor = userId and tText is in myTriggers then -- If tweeted since last time checked and target user
if tText = "beep" then
tell me to beepHandler()
else if tText = "say hello" then
tell me to helloHandler()
end if
end if
else -- the rest of the tweets have already been checked
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
return myIdle
end idle
on beepHandler()
end beepHandler
on helloHandler()
say "hello"
end helloHandler
Thanks, that helps, I am trying to do something like this
It might be better to use the twitter API than to script the twitter application.
how would I go about that, when I looked at the twitter api and developer website I wasn’t able to find much information on applescript
Twurl is an “OAuth-enabled curl for the Twitter API”.
If you want to use AppleScript to send commands to the shell, here is an article that discusses AppleScript and Twurl.