Sending a chat through adium

I can’t get the send thing to work in adium. This is what the library says:

send‚v : Send a message or file.
send item : a contact or chat to which to send
[autoreply boolean] : YES if the message should be tagged as an autoreply (if supported by the service - valid only if sending a textual message).
[file alias] : Full path to a file to send. Sending of directories is not supported at this time.
[message Unicode text] : The message to send, which may be HTML-encoded.
[on account account] : An account with which to originate the message (if no account is specified, the best available account will be automatically determined).
I’ve tried setting the text of the front window and pressing return through sytem events, no dice.
And I tried this:

Send message "Hello"

Still no dice. Any help would be appriciated.

Model: iMac
AppleScript: 2.1.1
Browser: Safari 417.9.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)


I don’t use Adium but I guess, the recipient should also be specified

Oh, right. I overlooked that… but i can’t seem to find out how to get the contact name. And when I fill it in, I get an error.

have you tried

send contact "whateverhisnamewas" message "Hello"

Yes, but using variables instead of direct text. so more

send contact thetarget message mytext