Sending Complex HTML

Hi, I am new to applescripting and I need the ‘Sending Complex HTML’ script for use with Outlook Express on a Mac. I have downloaded the script but have no idea how to use it. Can somebody please help me out :?:

It’s not as complex as it sounds. All you have to do is include a few little words in your script to achieve email nirvana. “has html:true”. Include that in the properties of any email you send via applescript and the content of the email takes on a whole new life.

Prep: Get the HTML source for your email
Use your own HTML code or steal some. I have an applescript to build a report in the form of a web page. Then it uses that HTML code in an outgoing email.

(*set a variable to the code of whatever your HTML email should look like
In this case I am simply getting the text by reading an HTML file on my desktop*)
set someHTMLCode to read "Macintosh HD:Desktop Folder:somefile.htm" as text

tell application "Outlook Express"
	--1. Make sure the property CONTENT is set to the variable containing the HTML code
	--2. set the recipient.  This can be one email address, a comma separated list of addresses as text, or either as a variable
	--the only thing that makes the difference from the recipient viewing raw HTML code and having his/her mail reader decide to download and display a formatted page is the property (has html).  Of course they have to  have their mail reader configured to do so...
	set newMessage to make outgoing message with properties {subject:"More garbage to clutter your inbox!", recipient:"", content:someHTMLCode, has html:true}
	--you can also alter who the sender is but I'll let you figure that one out. 
	send newMessage --send your artistic little missive
end tell

NOTE: If you open the draft and send it manually you will lose the the look you are going for. Be sure to have your applescript send the message. Try it!

If you have web space, either free space provided by your ISP or otherwise, you can save your images and such out there and program into your html code so it is downloadable by people universally.

Hope I was able to help.