Sending Mail with Entourage

I have an AS for Outlook that works beutifully but need to rewrite for Entourage

tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
	CreateMail Body "body"  Recipients "" Subject (((number of items in naiislist)) & " New Images on NAIIS") as string without Display
end tell

The Outlook Dictionary is so simple and limited were as the entourage is far more complex i can’s seem to find the correct items

this code can make a new message in my drafts folder but i want the script to just send it all at once with the same properties as my previous script

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
	make new outgoing message 
end tell
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
	make new outgoing message with properties {recipient:"", subject:"test message", content:"the body"}
	set messID to the result
	send messID
end tell

the confusing part was body is now changed to content you also have to include the exact address whereas in outlook it would verify the name before sending