sent action from a binding text field immediately

i’ve a textfield with binding (mytexte)

i would like to send an action every time the textfield change (i mean every time a new caracter is enter)

i tried continuously validate but it doesn’t work

Any idea ?

I think the delegate method, controlTextDidChange, is sent after each character.



The binding is not needed for what you want, as far the the notification goes. You must use interface builder to link from the text field to the script using the ‘delegate’ option from the black drop down, then you can use:

on controlTextDidChange_(aNotification)
--your code
--you can use the binding here to deal with the text or whatever you are doing
end controlTextDidChange_


Thanks ! It’s working very well but i have a small problem.

The “on controlTextDidChange_(aNotification)” is for all the script.

But i need to have this control for each textfield in the script.

I’ve 4 textfield that i need to act separately. Each one need to send a special action when textdidchange.

Simply with

on controlTextDidChange_(aNotification)
set theObject to aNotification's |object|()

if theObject = firstTextField then 

end controlTextDidChange_

Thanks !
But i don’t understand how to identify the object :

if theObject = firstTextField then 

even if i put a log about theObject, the response is “<NSTextField: 0x200696c40>” which help me not a lot !

Is it by the name of the property and an outlet in IB ?
Is it the name of the object in the IB Identity panel ?
Is it by bending ?

I tried many things but nothing work.

It is by the name of the property and an outlet in IB.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Thanks every body for you help !
It’s work very well. So to finalize, here is the code and IB solution

	property champOld : missing value
	property champNew : missing value
	on controlTextDidChange_(aNotification)
		set theObject to aNotification's object()
		log "modif en cours"
		log theObject
		if theObject = champOld then
			log "ok champ 1"
			log "CHAMP NUMERO 2"
		end if
	end controlTextDidChange_

In IB :
i make a delegate beetwen the script and the 2 textfield
i make a outlet for the 2 textfield with name property