set contents of popup button on-the-fly (DONE!)

Here, the solution:

make new menu item at the end of menu items of menu of popup button "Rachmaninov" of window "Roll-over, Beethoven" with properties {title:"alehop!", enabled:true}

Below, the original question:

I’m starting at ASStudio, so I guess I’m going to spam this section a bit… :rolleyes:

My question (as allways: how to acces15{perties) this time is “how to set the contents of a popup button when the main window is launched”. My code just now is:

on will open theObject
   set x to {"a", "b", "c"}
   --set contents of popup button "FirstPullDown" of theObject to x
end will open

And, as expected, the commented line doesn’t work…
Also, I’d like provide a “default selected menu item”…
I tried

make new menu item at end of popup button "PulldownOS" of theObject with properties {title:"kapullillo", enabled:true}

It generates an extra menu item, but it is disabled and throws and additional error “NSInternalScriptError”… Also, I’d like delete the default items “item 1”, “item 2”, “item 3”…
Perhaps I’m so accustomed to DD’s syntax :cry:

I’ve foubd the solution to your frist problem. Just use the following i the ‘awake from nib’ handler

delete menu items of menu of popup button "pp1" of window of theObject

by the way, there is a quicker way to do it. Clik on “item 1” and delete it :=)) in IB

(looking for separator menu items now …)