Hi! How do I set the contents of a table and open an application/run a script (handler maybe ?) when a row of the table is clicked?
Any help would be appreciated!!
Hi! How do I set the contents of a table and open an application/run a script (handler maybe ?) when a row of the table is clicked?
Any help would be appreciated!!
There are a few different ways of connecting to a table view and populating it. I HIGHLY recommend reading this awesome tutorial: http://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=30313
For the double-clicking action, I just learned how this morning(http://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=34215).
You have to set up your action handler:
on youClickedMe_(sender)
display dialog "You double-clicked that row."
end myDoubleClick_
Then, you have to call the tables setDoubleAction_ method in awakeFromNib_ or applicationWillFinishLaunching_
theTableView's setDoubleAction_("youClickedMe:")