In a script to eject all disks (other than startup disk), I want to bring whatever application was in the foreground back into focus after the script executes. How can I do this?
I’ve tried:
set runningApp to current application
tell application "Finder"
set bootDisk to name of startup disk
set otherDisks to every disk whose (name is not bootDisk)
repeat with myDisk in otherDisks
eject myDisk
on error
display dialog "There was a problem ejecting " & (myDisk as text)
return "Failed"
end try
end repeat
display dialog "All disks ejected" buttons {"Ok"} giving up after 2
end tell
tell runningApp to activate
and I’ve also tried things like this as the definition:
set runningApp to name of current application as string
set runningApp to application "\"" & runningApp & "\""
I’d still like a way to do what I was attempting, which was use the current application as a variable, but in the meantime, this works for my purposes (although it doesn’t bring the exact window that was being used when the service is called back into focus afterwards…):
tell application "Finder"
set bootDisk to name of startup disk
set otherDisks to every disk whose (name is not bootDisk) -- and (name is not "Media")
repeat with myDisk in otherDisks
eject myDisk
on error
tell current application to display dialog "There was a problem ejecting " & (myDisk as text)
return "Failed"
end try
end repeat
tell current application to display dialog "All disks ejected" giving up after 2
end tell
and here’s a different one that lets you pick which disks to eject:
tell application "Finder"
set bootDisk to name of startup disk
set otherDisks to every disk whose (name is not bootDisk) and (name is not "MobileBackups") and (name is not "home") and (name is not "net")
set diskNames to {}
repeat with myDisk in otherDisks
set end of diskNames to name of myDisk
end repeat
tell current application to set ejectDiskNames to choose from list diskNames with prompt "Choose disk(s) to eject" with multiple selections allowed
if ejectDiskNames = false then
return 1
end if
set ejectDisks to {}
repeat with ejectDisk in otherDisks
if ejectDiskNames contains (name of ejectDisk) then
set end of ejectDisks to ejectDisk
end if
end repeat
repeat with myDisk in ejectDisks
eject myDisk
on error
tell current application to display dialog "There was a problem ejecting " & (myDisk as text)
return "Failed"
end try
end repeat
tell current application to display dialog "Selected disk(s) ejected" giving up after 2
end tell
I see. I’d never guess these things, and I’ve read through (quickly) the AppleScript bible and the comprehensive guide to learning AppleScript. Neither of these provide the background necessary to know these things.
Do you know them from instruction or just by perusing the dictionaries?
Also, can you explain in a few more sentences how the current apple scripting environment differed from the front most application? They seem like they’d be the same thing…
I got the information from the real AppleScript bible, Matt Neuburg’s “AppleScript The Definitive Guide”
To see the difference between current and frontmost run this script
activate application "Finder"
set currentApplication to name of current application
tell application "System Events" to set frontmostApplication to name of 1st process whose frontmost is true
tell application frontmostApplication to display dialog "current application is: " & currentApplication & return & "frontmost application is : " & frontmostApplication
it makes the Finder frontmost, then it retrieves the name of current and frontmost application.
If you run the script from AppleScript Editor, AppleScript Editor is the current application.
If you run the script from the script menu, AppleScript Runner is the current application.
Hello I use something like this, but then the previous app, has had to loose focus, for it to work properly.
I send the keystroke "cycle through windows! (ctrl-F4) Before I can do that, I have to get the bundleid, (I don’t have to, but I use that). For this to work, you have to hit fn to change the volume, etc.
set fappId to getfrontAppId()
” your code that activates something else
on getfrontAppId() -- Returns bundleid of active app
local frontappId
set frontappId to ""
tell application "System Events"
set frontappId to bundle identifier of first application process whose frontmost is true
end tell
return frontappId
end getfrontAppId
on abortNicely(R) -- Returns Nothing
tell application "System Events" to tell application process id (bundleIdFrontApp of R)
key down control
key code 118
key up control
end tell
error number -128
end abortNicely