Set keystroke to...

I want to set uiscript keystroke to TextEntered… but i could not find a way…

display dialog "Set pause to:" default answer ""
copy result as list to {NumberEntered, ButtonPressed}

display dialog "Set text to:" default answer ""
copy result as list to {TextEntered, ButtonPressed}

delay NumberEntered
set uiScript to "keystroke \"hi
run script "tell application \"System Events\"
" & uiScript & "
end tell"

thx for your help



keystroke always needs to target an application process of System Events

Yeah, but if i want System Events to write TextEntered?

cause now it will only type what i set keystroke to…
can’t i set keystroke to textentered?

display dialog "Set pause to:" default answer ""
copy result as list to {NumberEntered, ButtonPressed}

display dialog "Set text to:" default answer ""
copy result as list to {TextEntered, ButtonPressed}

delay NumberEntered

set x to "keystroke \"
run script "tell application \"System Events\"
" & x & "
end tell"

I tried it like that:

display dialog "Set pause to:" default answer ""
copy result as list to {NumberEntered, ButtonPressed}

display dialog "Set text to:" default answer ""
copy result as list to {TextEntered, ButtonPressed}

delay NumberEntered

run script ("tell application \"System Events\"
" & TextEntered as keystroke) & "
end tell"

but it doesn’t work…


it isn’t sufficient to tell System Events to do something,
you must tell an application process to perform the keystroke
The common syntax is

display dialog "Set pause to:" default answer ""
copy result as list to {NumberEntered, ButtonPressed}

display dialog "Set text to:" default answer ""
copy result as list to {TextEntered, ButtonPressed}

delay NumberEntered

activate application "whatever"
tell application "System Events"
	tell process "whatever"
		keystroke TextEntered
	end tell
end tell

Thank you very much, that really helped me…:slight_smile:

But i still have another question…
if i have a repeat loop and want to exit repeat if a certain button or button-combination is pressed,
how do i do that?
