I realize that this has been discussed before, but I can’t find a comprehensive solution, so here it is again:
I’ve written an AppleScript application that uses LibreOffice to convert old WordPerfect documents into modern formats (DOC, PDF, etc.). I want to give the user the option of setting the default file handler for all WordPerfect documents to e my application - the equivalent of using Get Info, Open With, Change All…
I see that there’s a Launch Services function called LSSetDefaultRoleHandlerForContentType but it’s beyond my abilities to use it.
What complicates this is that I want to set the default handler for multiple document types (WPD0, WPD2, WPD3, WPD4) and two file extensions (.WP and .WPD). The info.plist for my application lists all these types, so it’s available on the Open With menu, but not as the default application.
Has anyone developed a way of achieving this? I’ll be very grateful for any help.