How can I set the Position of the Dock quickly.
Any ideas?
To set the side of the screen that the dock sits on… options: right,left,bottom,top…
do shell script "defaults write orientation -string bottom;killall -HUP Dock"
There is also the ‘pinning’ setting which places the dock in different positions on the side it’s on… options: start,middle,end…
do shell script "defaults write pinning -string middle;killall -HUP Dock"
You can combine the two to make one nice line, such as the following which will place the dock in the bottom left corner…
do shell script "defaults write orientation -string left;defaults write pinning -string end;killall -HUP Dock"
There’s no way (that I know of) to get the dock to “update” without killing it and restarting it. Only the dock application itself has the ability to update without restarting.
Have fun,
I already knew this one, but I hoped to fine a way without restarting the dock.
But if you say that it´s not posssible…