set this_summary to summary of the event_properties

I have this little script that I worte (my first):

on summerise_event(the_event)
	set the event_properties to the properties of the_event
	set this_summary to the summary of the event_properties
	set this_location to the location of the event_properties
	if this_location is missing value then set this_location to "No Location"
	set start_date to short date string of (get start date of the event_properties)
	set end_date to short date string of (get end date of the event_properties)
	set event_description to the description of the event_properties
	set event_summary to "Summary: " & this_summary & retunrn & "Location: " & this_location & return & "Start Date: " & start_date & return & "End Date: " & end_date & return & "Notes: " & event_description & return
	display dialog event_summary buttons {"Ok"} default button 1
	return the event_summary
end summerise_event

the_event is an iCal event. The code is almost a copy/past of the “Create Event Summary” script from apple. when I run the script I get this error:

What is it that I’m doing wrong? Also if I comment out the summary line the location line gives me the same error!


It may have been how you were calling the handler from your script. This works for me:

tell application "iCal"
	set a to first event of calendar "Work"
end tell
set b to summerise_event(a)

on summerise_event(the_event)
	tell application "iCal"
		set the the_props to the properties of the_event
		set this_summary to the summary of the the_props
		set this_location to the location of the the_props
		if this_location is missing value then set this_location to "No Location"
		set start_date to short date string of (get start date of the the_props)
		set end_date to short date string of (get end date of the the_props)
		set event_description to the description of the the_props
		set event_summary to "Summary: " & this_summary & return & "Location: " & this_location & return & "Start Date: " & start_date & return & "End Date: " & end_date & return & "Notes: " & event_description & return
		display dialog event_summary buttons {"Ok"} default button 1
	end tell
	return the event_summary
end summerise_event

I made a few changes to some of your variable names, and added an iCal tell block to the handler.

Hope this helps,

Ahhh I forgot the “tell application “iCal”” bit… btw does the key word “the” do anything or is it just for decoration?


I’d like to quote Matt Neuburg from his Definitive Guide

“AppleScript allows you to use the word the before almost everything.
This is pure syntactic sugar, and I never use it”