set volume name in volume mount command

I am mounting a webDAV server at startup so I wrote a simple script to do it.
mount volume “http://volumeurl” as user name “username” with password “password”
This works great, but it puts the URL as the volume’s label. Is there a way to tell applescript what to label the thing when it does the mount volume command? It is a spymac account so the mounting is like this “” so there is no share name per se. Then, Finder displays the volume as I want to label it as Spydisk. I have figured out how to make the volume’s label what I want in Terminal, but I want to do it automatically and I have not been able to successfully feed mount_webdav the username and password information such that it will mount automatically. Anyone have any suggestions?

Can you show us what params you’re giving to mount_webdav? If we can get the user/pass in there, you could call this from AS with do shell script.

I have been trying to follow the hint at this site. I am a bit of a terminal newbie so some of it is over my head. I just tried to implement it by copying it directly. The cat mypass | **** business is what does not make sense to me. I had someone write a perl script that is supposed to put username and password info into a format that mount_webdav can use, but I have no way of telling if it is right or not.

Also, I saved my webdav server password with Connect to… with Finder and now when I type the mount_webdav command in Terminal, it does not give me the prompt for username and password. It mounts but does not show up in the Finder or on Desktop. When I relaunch Finder, it shows up, but the Info is all wrong, i.e. it won’t read the capacity and usage correctly and therefore I can’t save to it. Any help is greatly appreciated.


im having the same problem. Except im trying to do it wihtn an FTP server. Ive tried returning the volume as an object.
set oVol to mount volume “ftp://whelc:*PASS*@
And i get no where. Cant figure out how to manipulate it and the result box just returns:
file “whelc@”
However i still cant seem to change its name or anything.
Its all thats holding me up right now short of one thing.

I might clarify. The issue I described in my last post happens when I set the volume names in Terminal. You should be able to do the same thing, although I would be interested to know if you get the same behavior I get. For my webdav, I do the following. A similar command line syntax should work for doing the same with FTP.

mkdir /Volumes/Spymac
mount_webdav /Volumes/Spymac/

This works but results in the incorrect info phenomenon I mentioned before. Anyone out there with good info on this would be greatly appreciated.


I would like to update my information on this issue that I’m having naming volumes. I get the incorrect info thing when I use Panther, but when I use Jaguar, it works fine. I wonder if there is something in the way that Panther does webdav that is different from the way Jaguar does that makes this happen. Any OSX insiders out there? I would love to get this solved.