setting all blank artist to new name

Hey everyone, I’m trying to collect all of my tracks who have no artist and set their artist to “Others”
This is what I tried

property blank : ""
property replace : "Others" as string
tell application "iTunes"
	set blanktracks to (name of tracks of (first playlist whose special kind is Music) whose artist is blank)
	repeat with i from 1 to (count of blanktracks)
		set the artist of item i of blanktracks to replace
	end repeat
end tell

but it came up with this error

See if this helps…

property blank : ""
property replace : "Others" as string

tell application "iTunes"
	set blanktracks to (every track of (first playlist whose special kind is Music) whose artist is blank)
	repeat with i from 1 to (count of blanktracks)
		set the artist of item i of blanktracks to replace
	end repeat
end tell

yeah, that did it, thanks! :smiley:

Minus one point for the needless coercion. :wink: