setting colour of text in NSScrollView

So I have a HUD window that displays the current tracks lyrics and in IB I can change the text colour to type in stuff, but when I run it and the lyrics are put in it via Applescript the text is black. How would I go about making it white instead?

oh, i found out how, this does the trick:

tell text view "lyrics" of scroll view "lyrics_view"
			set text color to {65535, 65535, 65535}
			set content to cur_lyrics
		end tell

I was about to post the same thing.

What version of Interface Builder are you using? The text color doesn’t seem to be saved in IB 3.0 for me.

I’m using IB 3.0 as well, I noticed the text colour didn’t save…fortunately I was able to resort to the programmatic way :smiley: