Setting "Page Layout" for Acrobat 8 Pro


I need help setting the Page Layout property in AppleScript

In Acrobat 7, and earlier, I could set the page layout property of a document to “Continuous - Facing” before saving it. Acrobat 8 provides the same terms in it’s AppleScript dictionary, but they don’t work (Acrobat 8 changed the menu titles for this option, though).

When replacing “Continuous - Facing” below with the actual Acrobat 8 menu names, I get mixed results. “Continuous - Facing” is the Acrobat 7 terminology)

“Single Page” seems to work (script doesn’t fail when run, but not what I want)
“Single Page Continuous” actually sets the document to “Two-Up”
“Two-Up” fails with an error.
“Two-Up Continuous” fails with an error.

Any thoughts on whether this is just plain broken in 8 or am I just missing something?

* sample script (requires a PDF open in Acrobat before running)

tell application "Adobe Acrobat Professional"
	with timeout of 300 seconds
		tell application "Adobe Acrobat Professional"
			set page layout to "Two-Up"
			create thumbs document 1
			save document 1 to file tOutPdfPath
			close document 1
		end tell
	end timeout
end tell