Setting prefered memory using applescript

Does anyone know of any command to set the preferred memory size of an application using Applescript.
Thanks, -Mike

Just curious. Why would you want a script to do this?

: Hi,

: Does anyone know of any command to set the preferred memory size
: of an application using Applescript.

 tell application "Finder"
  	set total partition size of application file myAppFile to thisSize
  end tell

You can type ‘preferred size’, but it compiles as ‘total partition size’.


: …our installer defaults to a memory setting so low that…
Thanks for bothering to satisfy my curiosity. Your answer is very clear.

: Just curious. Why would you want a script to do this?
I use Applescript to automate the build process of our product as well as our product’s installers.
Actually, the script is used to make up for a minor bug in InstallerVise. The type of installer build option that we are using doesn’t acknowledge the memory settings that we’ve set in our installer project. So our installer defaults to a memory setting so low that in rare cases, the finished installer does not successfully install.
Setting the preferred memory size in applescript seems to be a good temporary solution.
Thanks for the info, -Mike