setting the sender in Microsoft Entourage apple script

I made the following script that works. However I want to also set the sender so it is not the same as the default account in ME, lets say I want to set it to “”. but I do not know how to do this. can anybody help me?

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
	make new outgoing message with properties {recipient:"", subject:"test message", content:"the body"}
	set messID to the result
	send messID
end tell



the dictionary says

message (noun), pl messages: An e-mail message

Property access Type Description
sender get/set address sender of the message

address (noun), pl addresses: An e-mail message address

Property access Type Description
address get/set string the e-mail address
display name get/set unicode text the name used for display

according the dictionary this might be the right syntax

set sender to {address:"", display name:"John Doe"}


Yes I tried that too before posting.

see if I try this

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
	make new outgoing message with properties {recipient:"", subject:"test message", content:"the body"}
	set sender to {address:"", display name:"John Doe"}
	set messID to the result
	send messID
end tell

I get

i also tried:

set theSubject to "Some Subject"
set theBody to "Some Body"
set thesender to {address:"", displayname:"John Doe"}
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
	set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theBody, sender:thesender}
	open theMessage
end tell

and that creates a massage but does not change the sender.

I also note that it does not capitalize the sender in - sender:thesender-. not sure what that means though.

You have to consider the references.
As you can see in the dictionary excerpt above, sender is a property of message, not of application
Try something like this

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
	set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {recipient:"", subject:"test message", content:"the body"}
	tell theMessage
		set sender to {address:"", display name:"John Doe"}
	end tell
end tell

Thanks Stefan, learning all the time.

That works better, it now does takes “John Doe” but not “”, here it still takes the default account, not sure how to fix this.