Look under the if Lsn = “Quit” and if Lsn = “Open” . parts, and ull see what i mean
set Listening to {"Quit","Open","Activate", "Cancel", "Exit", "Stop", "Time"}
tell application "SpeechRecognitionServer" to set Lsn to listen for Listening
exit repeat
end try
end repeat
if Lsn = "Quit"
tell app "Finder" to set QuitableApps to -- All Open Applications
tell application "SpeechRecognitionServer" to set Quitme to listen for QuitableApps
tell app Quitme to Quit
if Lsn = "Open" or Lsn = "Activate"
tell app "Finder" to set OpenableApps to -- All Applications
tell application "SpeechRecognitionServer" to set Openme to listen for OpenableApps
tell app Openme to Activate
else if Lsn = "Cancel" or Lsn = "Exit" or Lsn = "Stop" then
exit repeat
else if Lsn contains "Time" then
say "The Time is " & (current date)
end if
end repeat
Also, could u tell me how to change the Time to just the time and not the whole date? lol