Several Emojis cause "Script editor" to hang up

Just a technical issue: I noticed if a clipboard text or text input contains several emojis, then an apple script hangs up.

Set b to "Test text  

Get words of b

I don’t know if your “Script editor” hangs by testing this code, mine does (Sierra 10.12.5)
How to exclude emojis or work around them?
Haha, even this board isn’t able to deal with Emojis -face palm: (the preview is OK, but not so the final post)

Please add 5 Emojis of your choice to replace the Xxxxx string in the code, thanks

Hi Joy.

There doesn’t appear to be a problem on my High Sierra system (10.13.6, where emojis are treated as separate ‘words’), but on my El Capitan machine, I get a similar hang when trying to get the ‘words’ of text containg emojis. Presumably it’s an old problem that was fixed in High Sierra.

Thank you Nigel,
so it’s a bug… The thing is i’m happy with my Os and prefer generally to upgrade very slowly.
If there’s no way to find a definition about this new kind of strings, then nobody can help me with this issue. Anyway, thanks! Better knowing something than nothing.