Shell script and sqlite

I’ve made the example database as described on the man page of sqlite3 and it works fine. The problem is that I can’t get the do shell script command in applescript to work.
In the terminal

returns the records as a | delimited string, as it should. (The ; inside the single quote looks weird but it is correct.)
But the exact same command in applescript returns an error:

do shell script "sqlite3 mydata.db 'select * from memos;'"
--SQL error: no such table: memos

set strCommand to "select * from memos;"
return do shell script "sqlite3 mydata.db " & quoted form of strCommand
--SQL error: no such table: memos

Any help would be greatly appreciated for I’m getting slightly obsessed.

Thank you, I was being sloppy with my path. I got it working in Script Editor, then had a bit of a struggle getting it working in xcode, but it seems to end happy. For anyone alse wanting to do something similar, here’s some of my script. BTW, I made my database with the free SQLite Database Browser and then added it to my xcode project in the Resources folder.

tell DBManager
	set numOfRecs to setSelection(my pathToDatabase() & "mydata.db", "SELECT * FROM Memos;")
end tell 

on pathToDatabase()
	set appPath to (path to me from user domain) as text
	return (appPath & "Contents:Resources:") as text
end pathToDatabase

script DBManager
property lstHeaders : {} as list
property lstRecords : {} as list

on getHeaders()
	return lstHeaders
end getHeaders

on getRecords()
	return lstRecords
end getRecords

on reset()
	set lstHeaders to {} as list
	set lstRecords to {} as list
end reset

on getValues(strColumnName)
	set lstResults to {}
	repeat with i from 1 to count of lstHeaders
		if item i of lstHeaders is equal to strColumnName then
			repeat with myItem in lstRecords
				set lstResults to lstResults & item i of myItem
			end repeat
		end if
	end repeat
	return lstResults
end getValues

on setSelection(dbPath, strSQL)
	set intResult to 0
	set str to (do shell script "sqlite3 -header " & quoted form of (POSIX path of dbPath) & " " & quoted form of strSQL)
	set lst to every paragraph of str
	if lst is not equal to {} then
		set intResult to ((count of lst) - 1)
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"|"}
		set lstHeaders to every text item of (first item of lst)
		repeat with myItem in (rest of lst)
			copy (every text item of myItem) to the end of lstRecords
		end repeat
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {" "}
	end if
	return intResult
end setSelection