Show iTunes Artwork??

I have a script that will get track info for the current playing track in iTunes but I would like it to also display the Artwork.

Here’s my current script:

tell application "iTunes"
set this_track to current track
set this_name to the name of this_track
set this_artist to the artist of this_track
set this_album to the album of this_track
set this_artwork to data of front artwork of this_track
end tell

display dialog "Now playing…" & return & return & ¬
"Name: " & this_name & return & ¬
"Artist: " & this_artist & return & ¬
"Artwork: " & this_artwork & return & ¬
"Album: " & this_album buttons {"ƒ"} default button 1 giving up after 5

When I run the script I get the following error:

“Can’t make «data PICT2092…(loads more numbers)…000FF» into a

Can anyone help??

Display dialog can not display an image in that way.

Using your script, a piece of script from here and the Sec Helper app in salling clicker
This works.

the Sec Helper app is part of salling clicker and can be used from the demo version of salling clicker.
You only need to purchase if you want to use salling clicker Bluetooth options.

tell application "iTunes"
	set this_track to current track
	set this_name to the name of this_track
	set this_artist to the artist of this_track
	set this_album to the album of this_track
	set the_art to front artwork of this_track
	set the_data to data of the_art
end tell

set desk_path to (path to desktop) as string
set file_spec to (desk_path & "Artwork.pict") as file specification
set ref_num to (open for access file_spec with write permission)

set eof ref_num to 512
write the_data to ref_num starting at 513
close access ref_num

tell application "SEC Helper"
	show screen message this_album & return & this_artist & return & this_name duration 5 image file_spec
end tell