Shutdown script question

Hi all, I’m trying to get a simple script going that’s triggered by iCal to turn off my computer after a certain time if I don’t cancel the shutdown. So far, what I have is this:

tell application "System Events"
	display dialog "Shut down?" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2
		with timeout of 120 seconds
			if buttonReturned("Cancel") then
				exit repeat
			else if buttonReturned("OK") then
				shut down
			end if
		end timeout
		shut down
	end repeat
end tell

When I run the script, I get an error message if I click on the “OK” button:

I’ve also tried removing the timeout clause.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


the problem is, you have defined buttonReturned as a handler call using the syntax buttonReturned() and System Events doesn’t know handlers.
The return value of display dialog must be assigned explicitly to a variable.
The timeout block is not needed, use giving up instead

tell application "System Events"
	set {button returned:buttonReturned, gave up:gaveUp} to display dialog "Shut down?" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2 giving up after 120
	if buttonReturned is "OK" or gaveUp then shut down
end tell

the script will be aborted anyway, when the user presses Cancel

Thanks! Works like a charm. Only question: when scheduled from iCal, when I cancel out, I get an error message:

Not a big deal… just curious as to whether there’s a way to script it that you don’t get the error message.

pressing Cancel in display dialog throws error -128, maybe this causes the error message.
The try block ignores the error

tell application "System Events"
		set {button returned:buttonReturned, gave up:gaveUp} to display dialog "Shut down?" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2 giving up after 120
		if buttonReturned is "OK" or gaveUp then shut down
	end try
end tell

Perfect! Thanks so much!