Simple mail script not working in El Capitan

I have had mail scripts working for years. Since an upgrade I can’t get the simplest script to work.

tell application "Mail"
	set this_message to selection
	set x to content of this_message
end tell

and using Apples own mail rule script

tell application "Mail"
	set this_message to selection
		set this_content to (every character of content of this_message) as Unicode text
		if this_content is in {"", "?"} then error
	on error error_message
		set this_content to "NO CONTENT"
	end try
end tell

Both fail. I am sure its me being thick but I can anyone help please

Model: iMac 3.5 GHz i7
Browser: Safari 601.5.17
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.10)


take a look at the dictionary of to see what selection returns…

Read thick. Thanks Stefan,
script only works on Applemail though

when To:

tell application "Mail"
	set this_message to selection as list
	set x to content of item 1 of this_message
end tell

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but when To: (pop account)

it errors out
error “Mail got an error: Can’t get mailbox "INBOX" of account "Retouching Requests".” number -1728 from mailbox “INBOX” of account “Retouching Requests”

A reply to my previous post.
I have just upgraded to El Capitan.
In its wisdom I now discovered that it created IMAP accounts of all my POP3 accounts but did not enable them.
When the applescript tried to access a selected POP3 account it threw the error that is “Mail got an error: Can’t get mailbox "INBOX" of account "Retouching Requests".” number -1728 from mailbox “INBOX” of account “Retouching Requests” because I assume its looked at the IMAP account first, which actually does not exist?!?!
I have now deleted the bogus IMAP accounts and it all works fine.