Skip folder

I’m trying to get a list of indesign files from a folder, but want to ignore any indesign file that is in a folder called “History”

			set myFileList to (every file of entire contents of folder myFolder whose kind contains "Indesign") as alias list

Any ideas?

and whose container’s name is not “History”

A guess, btw

Its not working…I getting an error that it can’t make a list

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
	set allPresets to name of every PDF export preset
	set exportstyle to choose from list allPresets with prompt "Select PDF Export Preset"
	set mystyle to item 1 of exportstyle
	set myFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select folder containing InDesign Documents"
	set myFileList to {}
	set myPDFFolder to choose folder name with prompt "Select folder to Save PDF files"
	tell application "Finder"
			set myFileList to (every file of entire contents of folder myFolder whose container's name is not "History" and kind contains "Indesign") as alias list
		on error
			set myFileList to (every file of folder myFolder whose container's name is not "History" and kind contains "Indesign") as alias list
		end try
	end tell
	if myFileList is not {} then


I would filter the files by paths during the process routine