Sleep Timer

I tend to go to sleep while watching movies or TV shows on my computer. I didn’t know of any other way to set your computer to sleep after a given time, so I wrote up a small applescript to do this for me. I thought since I’ve learned so much from MacScripter, I’d give back to the community, so here it is. The input supports a number of different formats, e.g. “1 hour 30 minutes”, “2 h 45 m”, “23 seconds”, etc. Save it as a stay open application. :smiley:

set sleepTime to 0

set theText to text returned of (display dialog "Set sleep timer for:" default answer "1 hour 30 minutes")

set defaults to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " " -- use " " as delimiters
set theWords to text items of theText
set timesToRun to (number of theWords) / 2

set n to 0 -- index

-- parse time.
repeat timesToRun times
	set n to n + 1
	set tempTime to item n of theWords as integer
	set n to n + 1
	set tempWord to item n of theWords
	if tempWord contains "h" then -- hours
		set sleepTime to sleepTime + tempTime * 3600
	else if tempWord contains "m" then -- minutes
		set sleepTime to sleepTime + tempTime * 60
	else -- seconds
		set sleepTime to sleepTime + tempTime
	end if
end repeat

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to defaults -- restore default delimiters

delay sleepTime

tell application "System Events"
end tell

i’m just now realizing i should have had you guys read over this code before i added it to Code Exchange. is there an easier way to “delay” without actually using “delay”? i’m noticing that it is eating up my cpu.

feel free to bump this post to another section.

For longer delays than a few seconds, the shell’s sleep (not the same as AppleScript’s or the System’s meaning of sleep) is the way to go:

do shell script "sleep 300"