smart date codes

(((kMDItemFSName = "*.scpt"c) && InRange(kMDItemLastUsedDate,282092400.000000,282783600.000000))) && (true)

if someone can me explain how to interpretate the ItemLastUsedDate parameter? it seems they change periodically.
i want to recreate these numbers, knowing what i’m doing; i want to schedule dates like: days7, weeks4, months*6 using precise parameters.

You can get those in pre-interpreted form like this:

set LastUsed to do shell script "mdls -name kMDItemLastUsedDate  /Users/bell/Library/Scripts/BackupDone?.app " --> "kMDItemLastUsedDate = 2008-11-01 12:50:11 -0300"

The -0300 means that the time is recorded 3 hours after GMT.