smart folders..


how to create a smart folder with applescript and without ui-scripting?


a smart folder is actually a property list file (with extension .savedSearch) including a Spotlight query and some appearance settings.
You can create this file with AppleScript but I don’t know whether it will be recognized after putting it manually into ~/Library/Saved Searches/

Of course it requires in-depth knowledge of Spotlight programming

please show me an example, or let some reference stuff to consult. Please. I’ll reconstruct the folder concept of my Finder. No more folders, no more hassle to navigate and search…Only tags and smart folders, combined with a static folder db’s.

Just create a smart folder and open it with a text editor (in ~/Library/Saved Searches/) to see the data structure

the URL of the Spotlight Programming Guide is

sweet. lets see how many time we can spend this summer to learn about spotlight behaviours. After all, i want to go to the bay too…not only to watch…
Thanks Stephan.

with a little, but functional trick.:cool::cool::cool:
time to descend in beach
Thanks another time, Stefan