snak autovoicing help

Hi, I’m very new to scripting (and very computer illiterate, apologies in advance, I major in history)

I’m trying to write a script for snak on my imac. I want to get it to voice (/mode #channel +v username) people automatically as they enter the two chatrooms I’m an op in. I’ve tried writing a script but it doesn’t seem to work.

Can anyone help me out by showing me how it’s done? I spent 5hrs last night trying to work it out (in vain).

thanks in advance,

on join(theConnection, theNick, theUserhost, theChannel)
tell application “Snak”
type ("/mode " & theChannel & " +v " & theNick) in channel theChannel of connection
end tell
end join

I put that in but get an error:

6:27:32Error: When trying to call the join event handler. Can’t get “/mode #channel +v Guest369”.

Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong? (I’m sure I’m doing a lot wrong!)


Getting a new iMac in a few days, maybe it’ll work on that!