Snow Leopard changes how files are written? How do I fix?

I have a script that the last time I ran was in 10.5, and now it isn’t working right so I go into Script Debugger and I’m getting an error just trying to compile the script that hasn’t changed.

The offending line is:

set f to open for access file fileSpec with write permission

The error is:

AppleScript Syntax Error
Expected end of line, etc. but found identifier.

Did 10.6 change the way files are written?


is this line within an application tell block? Maybe there is a terminology clash

no, not within an application tell block.

The variable “fileSpec” is what Script Debugger leaves highlighted after it gives me the error so it made me think that I had to redo that line for 10.6.

what happens when you change the name of the variable?

Same behavior. Screenshot

new info:

Microsoft Entourage was calling this script and when the script hung up in Script Debugger Entourage itself also seemed to hang up. So I had to force-quit Entourage, and once that was done then Script Debugger compiled the script happily.

So the error isn’t as much a compilation error as it is a run-time error. Ok, interesting! So I’m guessing that file paths in 10.6 are the change that I’m running up against.

This runs perfectly for me in Snow Leopard; what’s different in your script (must be the address)? For a file that doesn’t yet exist, for example, the address cannot be specified as an alias.

set tFile to ((path to desktop folder as text) & "someFile.txt")
set F to open for access file tFile with write permission
close access F