some stuff [name of button]

ok heres what i got and such

on clicked theObject
	if title of theObject = "startbutton" then
		start progress indicator "spinner" of window 1
		set actName to contents of text field "nameBox" of window 1
		set msgTxt to contents of text field "msgBox" of window 1
		set nTime to contents of text field "timeBox" of window 1
		tell application "iChat"
			repeat nTime times
				send (msgTxt) to account (actName)
			end repeat
		end tell
		stop progress indicator "spinner" of window 1
	else if title of theObject = "stopbutton" then
		exit repeat
	else if title of theObject = "dc" then
		tell application "System Events"
			tell application "iChat" to activate
			keystroke "m" using {command down, option down, shift down}
		end tell
	end if
end clicked

on action theObject
	(*Add your script here.*)
end action

now the problem is that the buttons dont work seperatly and the end repeat wont work
any thoughts?

i was also thinking about implementing this anyidea how to do this

also id like to tank you for helping me inadvance all feeback here has been so helpful to me in the past

here is a screenshot of the interface

title is the visible text on the button; You probably want name.

thanks each button works now!

this is just an app to get used to working with xcode/Applescript studio so yea thanks