Something weird with Macintosh-->Unix file path

I am trying to convert a Macintosh style file path to a Unix path and I am having no luck. I keep receiving weird errors in/from the terminal and in Applescript.

This is really simple, but for one reason I cannot get it right. :x

I am trying to convert “:~:Music:iTunes:iTunes Music:Rush” (I have also tried it with the “:” after the directory name) into its POSIX path. I can’t get it right. The terminal returns

“can’t get real path for source” :twisted:

I can do this process without any problems when there are no spaces in folder/file names, but in this case there are spaces and I cannot get t right. Can anyone help?

Here is the code that I am using . . .

set Rush to POSIX path of "Users:gandalf:iTunes:iTunes Music:Rush"
--This code works fine when there are no spaces in folder names.

tell application "Terminal"
	do script "hdiutil attach /Volumes/eomer/test.dmg -mount required; ditto -rsrc " & Rush & " /Volumes/test"
end tell

This also will not work with the “do shell script” command (the command that I would rather use versus using the terminal). However, I have found that there are some problems when trying to have the “do shell script” command in files for crontab or files for use with iDo Script Scheduler. They just don’t work right.
Any help would be great.

Chris :? :?

set foo to quoted form of posix path of "path:to:file"