Sorting list of records by one property

: Is there a simple way to sort a list of records by one property,
: that property being a time (date)?

There seems to be. The following is based on the ASCII_Sort routine in the Essential Subroutines portion of the guidebook, with a couple changes to handle lists of records.

set myList to {{apptTime:date "Friday, January 1, 1904 6:30:00 PM", apptTitle:"Huntington"}, {apptTime:date "Friday, January 1, 1904 8:30:00 PM", apptTitle:"Drive"}, {apptTime:date "Friday, January 1, 1904 4:00:00 PM", apptTitle:"Drive"}, {apptTime:date "Friday, January 1, 1904 8:30:00 AM", apptTitle:"MB Staff Meeting"}}

set orderedList to RSort(myList)

on RSort(my_list) -- ASCII_Sort from the guidebook, with minor changes
    set the index_list to {}
    set the sorted_list to {}
    repeat (the number of items in my_list) times
        set the low_item to ""
        repeat with i from 1 to (number of items in my_list)
            if i is not in the index_list then
                set this_item to item i of my_list
                if the low_item is "" then
                    set the low_item to this_item
                    set the low_item_index to i
                else if (apptTime of this_item < apptTime of low_item) then
                    set the low_item to this_item
                    set the low_item_index to isorted_list to the low_item
        set the end of the index_list to the low_item_index
    end repeat
    return the sorted_list
end RSort
