Sorting windows on desktop

Hi there,

My first post…
I got bored with to many windows on my screen.
So I wrote this script to organize them.
It works for all open en scriptable applications.
Maybe it the script already exists.
Just playing around en learning new things.

Cheers Pieter


set X_size to 1500 --> X size window
set Y_size to 900 --> 	Y size window

set X_left to 50 --> 	distance from left of the screen
set X_dif to 50 -->	X distance between windows

set Y_top to 24 --> 	distance from top of the screen
set Y_dif to 20 -->	Y distance between windows


tell application "System Events"
	set app_open_arr to the name of every process whose visible is true
	set app_open_int to count of app_open_arr
end tell


set win_open to 0
repeat with i from 1 to app_open_int
		tell application (item i of app_open_arr)
			set win_open to win_open + (number of (every window whose visible is true))
		end tell
	end try
end repeat


set X_next to X_left + X_dif * (win_open - 1)
set Y_next to Y_top

repeat with i from 1 to app_open_int
	tell application (item i of app_open_arr)
			if number of (every window whose visible is true) > 0 then
				repeat with j from 1 to count (index of every window whose visible is true)
					if item i of app_open_arr is not "Finder" then
						set bounds of window j to {X_next, Y_next, (X_next + X_size), (Y_next + Y_size)}
						set bounds of window j to {X_next, Y_next + 20, (X_next + X_size), (Y_next + Y_size)}
					end if
					set X_next to X_next - X_dif
					set Y_next to Y_next + Y_dif
					tell application "System Events"
						tell process (item i of app_open_arr)
							set frontmost to true
							perform action "AXRaise" of window j
						end tell
					end tell
				end repeat
			end if
		end try
	end tell
end repeat

Hello and welcome Pieter!