Speakable Items Installer Problem

My Speakable items folder is missing stuff like “move to trash”, etc. So I’m trying to install it off the 9.1 CD and I get “Installer Document ‘Install English SR’ requires version 4.5 of the installer application…yada yada” Nani? What’s going on here? I have a clean install of the OS running 9.1. Can anyone clue me in here? Thx.

: My Speakable items folder is missing stuff like “move to trash”,
: etc. So I’m trying to install it off the 9.1 CD and I get “Installer
: Document ‘Install English SR’ requires version 4.5 of the installer
: application…yada yada” Nani? What’s going on here? I have a clean
: install of the OS running 9.1. Can anyone clue me in here? Thx.
I don’t know what’s wrong with your installer but there are other ways to
get the files from the CD.

  1. There’s a bootable System Folder on the CD. Are the scripts included?
    If so, drag and drop them onto your hard drive.
  2. Use “TomeViewer” to extract the files from the installer.
    Rob J

: I don’t know what’s wrong with your installer but there are other ways to
: get the files from the CD.
: 1. There’s a bootable System Folder on the CD. Are the scripts included? If
: so, drag and drop them onto your hard drive.
: 2. Use " TomeViewer " to extract the files from the installer.
: Later,
: Rob J
Rob, I think I love you.
TomeViewer let me snag the files and I’m back in business! Whoohoo!
Now if only I could edit “Move this to the trash” and see how it works… :slight_smile:

: Rob, I think I love you.
Hey! Stop that!!! :stuck_out_tongue:
: TomeViewer let me snag the files and I’m back in business! Whoohoo!
Great! TV is a handy tool for occasions such as this.
– Rob J

It’s probably just one simple command

tell application "Finder" to delete --...whatever 

…plus something like say “Its in the bin”.
If later you want to go the whole way then all you need is

tell application "Finder"
    set waste to items in trash
    if waste = {} then
        say "There's nothing [[pbas +2;emph +]]in [[pbas -2]]the bin."
        say "The bin is now empty."
    end if
end tell 

In the Editor find the Finder’s Dictionary (Open Dictionary…) and you will start to see what can be done in the Finder and how.

PS. Having seen what the Finder has to offer you should then look at the “Standard Additions” Dictionary (in the Scripting Additions folder), which you’ll be using all the time soon.

: Now if only I could edit “Move this to the trash” and
: see how it works… It’s probably just one simple commandÉ
: tell application “Finder” to delete –
: …whatever Éplus something like say “Its in the
: bin”.
Turned out it was
tell application “Finder” to delete selection


: If later you want to go the whole way then all you need isÉ tell
: application “Finder”
: set waste to items in trash
: if waste = {} then
: say “There’s nothing [[pbas +2;emph +]]in [[pbas
: -2]]the bin.”
: else
: empty
: say “The bin is now empty.”
: end if
: end tell In the Editor find the Finder’s Dictionary (Open
: Dictionary…) and you will start to see what can be done in the Finder and
: how.

: Andreas

Cool. Thanks for the script. Where do I learn about the “emph”-asis parts of the say command. I hadn’t noticed them in the dictionary…


Pleased it helped - and thanks for saying thanks.
For info on [ [ emph + ] ], etc in speech use this Apple.com link…