speech recognition

Welcome, Brian. Two things.

Firstly, I come here to learn (and sometimes to try and help). The learning comes predominantly from seeing answers given by experienced people. For that reason alone I would not enter into a one-to-one via email.

Secondly, I cannot see that your question has anything whatsoever to do with ‘scripting’ - but is probably more to do with your Speech Recognition settings and how you use it, including how you actually speak. As you have got it to work at least once you must have the basic settings right. Personally I can’t abide SR (I might say differently in 10 years time), but I suggest you go first to all the documentation from Apple that you can find - get the basics firmly in your mind - look for ‘hints & tips’ - and keep trying! Oh, and if you ever want a more reliable way of telling your machine what to do then do come back here.