Startup disk automation

Trying to boot between a copy of Tiger and Panther (10.3 & 10.4) on two different partitions with a click of a script, instead of having to go through the startup disk pref sequence everytime. Anyone have a reccomendation or a script for that?


Hi bryanl,

Have you tried pressing the Option key at startup? See

Best wishes

John M

:slight_smile: yes I know about the option key. That still entails a more hands on approach then a simple one click script though. Takes more time as well because I have 8 different partitions for the system to look through before giving me the boot choices.

It might be easier to find or make a terminal command I’m thinking now. Maybe a bless system command that would jump into the boot process when run?

I jump between systems because some my audio software runs better in Panther, but I prefer to do everything else in Tiger.

This works for me in Tiger and Panther (replace disk names and password):

tell application "Finder"
	if (startup disk as string) is "TigerDisk:" then
		tell me to do shell script "/usr/sbin/bless -folder '/Volumes/PantherDisk/System/Library/CoreServices' -setOF" password "password" with administrator privileges
		tell me to do shell script "/usr/sbin/bless -folder '/Volumes/TigerDisk/System/Library/CoreServices' -setOF" password "password" with administrator privileges
	end if
end tell