Still Life and iPhoto

Still Life’s AppleScript support makes it easy to transfer images between the two programs.

Here’s a script that will export all the images of a chosen iPhoto album into Still Life and apply alternating basic shots. Change the parameters in the shot style sub-routines to whatever you like to use.


tell application "iPhoto"
	set this_album to the name of the current album
	set these_albums to the name of every album
	set the chosen_album to (choose from list these_albums with prompt "Pick an album to export:") as string
	if the chosen_album is "false" then return "user cancelled"
	set the image_paths to the image path of every photo of album chosen_album
end tell
tell application "Still Life"
	close every project without saving
	make new project with properties {uses fades:true, fade to color:{0, 0, 0}, fade duration:2.0}
	repeat with i from 1 to the count of the image_paths
		set this_imagepath to item i of the image_paths
		tell the front project
			import image filename this_imagepath
		end tell
	end repeat
	repeat with i from 1 to the count of the image_paths
		if i mod 2 is 0 then
			my scene_style_02(i)
			my scene_style_01(i)
		end if
	end repeat
	tell the front project
		set fade duration to 3
	end tell
	display dialog "Movie completed." buttons {"•"} default button 1 giving up after 2
end tell

on scene_style_01(scene_index)
	tell application "Still Life"
		set initial_holdtime to 4
		set final_holdtime to 8
		tell the front project
			set the image_width to the width of image of scene scene_index
			set the image_height to the height of image of scene scene_index
			tell scene scene_index
				set hold time of shot 1 to final_holdtime
				set move time of shot 1 to 3
				make new shot at beginning with properties {fixed velocity:false, move time:0.0, x position:200, height:300, hold time:initial_holdtime, width:400, y position:(image_height - 150), angle:0, direction:1, spin count:0}
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end scene_style_01

on scene_style_02(scene_index)
	tell application "Still Life"
		set initial_holdtime to 4
		set final_holdtime to 8
		tell the front project
			set the image_width to the width of image of scene scene_index
			set the image_height to the height of image of scene scene_index
			tell scene scene_index
				set hold time of shot 1 to final_holdtime
				set move time of shot 1 to 3
				make new shot at beginning with properties {fixed velocity:false, move time:0.0, x position:(image_width - 200), height:300, hold time:initial_holdtime, width:400, y position:(image_height - 150), angle:0, direction:1, spin count:0}
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end scene_style_02

Here’s a version of the Spin Format script using a “repeat with i” structure:

tell application "Still Life"
	tell front project
		repeat with i from 1 to the number of scenes
			tell scene i to reset
			set the image_height to height of image of scene i
			set the image_width to width of image of scene i
			set horizontal_position to (image_width div 2)
			set vertical_position to (image_height div 2)
			tell scene i
				tell shot 1
					set image_width to (image_width * 8)
					set width to image_width
					set image_height to (image_height * 8)
					set height to image_height
				end tell
				make new shot at end
				tell shot 2
					set spin count to 8
					set move time to 5
					set hold time to 2
					set image_width to (image_width div 8)
					set image_height to (image_height div 8)
					set width to image_width
					set height to image_height
					set x position to horizontal_position
					set y position to vertical_position
				end tell
			end tell
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

Here’s a sub-routine for a simple 2-shot pan from small top left to center full:

on topLeftCornerToFullCenter(scene_index)
	set initial_holdtime to 4
	set final_holdtime to 8
	set starting_width to 400
	set starting_height to 300
	tell application "Still Life"
		tell the front project
			reset scene scene_index
			set the image_width to the width of the image of scene scene_index
			set the image_height to the height of the image of scene scene_index
			tell scene scene_index
				set hold time of shot 1 to final_holdtime
				set move time of shot 1 to 3
				make new shot at beginning with properties {fixed velocity:false, move time:0.0, x position:(starting_width div 2), height:starting_height, hold time:initial_holdtime, width:starting_width, y position:(image_height - (starting_height div 2)), angle:0, direction:1, spin count:0}
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end topLeftCornerToFullCenter

Here’s a sub-routine for a simple 2-shot pan from small top right to center full:

on topRightCornerToFullCenter(scene_index)
	set initial_holdtime to 4
	set final_holdtime to 8
	set starting_width to 400
	set starting_height to 300
	tell application "Still Life"
		tell the front project
			reset scene scene_index
			set the image_width to the width of the image of scene scene_index
			set the image_height to the height of the image of scene scene_index
			tell scene scene_index
				set hold time of shot 1 to final_holdtime
				set move time of shot 1 to 3
				make new shot at beginning with properties {fixed velocity:false, move time:0.0, x position:(image_width - (starting_width div 2)), height:starting_height, hold time:initial_holdtime, width:starting_width, y position:(image_height - (starting_height div 2)), angle:0, direction:1, spin count:0}
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end topRightCornerToFullCenter

Here’s a revised version of the iPhoto to Still Life script using these sub-routines:

tell application "iPhoto"
	set this_album to the name of the current album
	set these_albums to the name of every album
	set the chosen_album to (choose from list these_albums with prompt "Pick an album to export:") as string
	if the chosen_album is "false" then return "user cancelled"
	set the image_paths to the image path of every photo of album chosen_album
	if the image_paths is {} then
		display dialog "The chosen album contains no images." buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1 with icon 2
	end if
end tell

tell application "Still Life"
	close every project without saving
	make new project with properties {uses fades:true, fade to color:{0, 0, 0}, fade duration:2.0}
	repeat with i from 1 to the count of the image_paths
		set this_imagepath to item i of the image_paths
		tell the front project
			import image filename this_imagepath
		end tell
	end repeat
	repeat with i from 1 to the count of the image_paths
		if i mod 2 is 0 then
			my topRightCornerToFullCenter(i)
			my topLeftCornerToFullCenter(i)
		end if
	end repeat
	tell the front project
		set fade duration to 3
	end tell
	display dialog "Movie completed." buttons {"•"} default button 1 giving up after 2
end tell

on topLeftCornerToFullCenter(scene_index)
	set initial_holdtime to 4
	set final_holdtime to 8
	set starting_width to 400
	set starting_height to 300
	tell application "Still Life"
		tell the front project
			reset scene scene_index
			set the image_width to the width of the image of scene scene_index
			set the image_height to the height of the image of scene scene_index
			tell scene scene_index
				set hold time of shot 1 to final_holdtime
				set move time of shot 1 to 3
				make new shot at beginning with properties {fixed velocity:false, move time:0.0, x position:(starting_width div 2), height:starting_height, hold time:initial_holdtime, width:starting_width, y position:(image_height - (starting_height div 2)), angle:0, direction:1, spin count:0}
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end topLeftCornerToFullCenter

on topRightCornerToFullCenter(scene_index)
	set initial_holdtime to 4
	set final_holdtime to 8
	set starting_width to 400
	set starting_height to 300
	tell application "Still Life"
		tell the front project
			reset scene scene_index
			set the image_width to the width of the image of scene scene_index
			set the image_height to the height of the image of scene scene_index
			tell scene scene_index
				set hold time of shot 1 to final_holdtime
				set move time of shot 1 to 3
				make new shot at beginning with properties {fixed velocity:false, move time:0.0, x position:(image_width - (starting_width div 2)), height:starting_height, hold time:initial_holdtime, width:starting_width, y position:(image_height - (starting_height div 2)), angle:0, direction:1, spin count:0}
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end topRightCornerToFullCenter